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The  Rated-R  Republican

Lanham 2024

Who is Russell?
Russell & his wife Elasa by the Statue of Liberty in NYC

As a Gen-X'er, Russell has seen the gradual decline of the United States and well...He got so pissed at what he saw that he decided to do something about it. ALL the damn politicians seemingly serve, are corporate interests regardless of party.

Russell the "Rated R Republican", is the father and step-father of five amazing kids and it is because of them that he is running for President.

The media would have you believe that because of Russell's criminal record that he is most certainly the WORST that society has to offer. Five minutes listening to Russell speak will be all that it takes to convince you otherwise.

A victim of the system, Russell knows the struggle felt by most  Americans. He is NOT a politician but a concerned father who refuses to accept that the BEST America has to offer, is Octo, Septo candidates or Hedge fund millionaires owned by fossil fuels.

Russell is tired of politicians having money for EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, except the American people. NOW is the time to take it back. WE THE PEOPLE have one last chance or there may not be an America left.

Russell asks that YOU the American people...Left, Right,IDGAF who you are, if you love this country and it's people as much as he does, to STAND with him and let's tell these people what we REALLY think about them. 

Russell Lanham for President 2024

Buy Russell's Book Now: American AF - Prison to Politics

Buy Russell's Book
Day 1 Priorities - Lanham 2024 - v4


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